Get The Digital Edge | August 6th, 2024

A Timeless Journey Through Italy's Finest Timepieces

Let’s kick today off with a little bit of trivia!

In 1995, Amazon started out selling which product before becoming the giant e-commerce platform we know today?

Be sure to stick around to the end to find out the answer!

In today’s email:

  • Future Trends and Leadership Insights

  • Strengthening Your Business

  • Luxury and Style

On The Edge This Week:

The current state of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionary. It changes how we interact with tech. AI helps us with repetitive tasks, accuracy, and decision-making. We use it in healthcare, finance, and manufacturing to speed up processes and increase efficiency. AI also lets us create smart machines that can understand human language. READ MORE

Leadership isn't a one-size-fits-all idea. It's a complex phenomenon influenced by many factors, with personality playing a big role. Your personality acts as a lens through which you see and engage with the world, ultimately shaping how you lead. READ MORE

Just as a gardener tends to their garden to ensure the growth of robust plants, you must nurture the relationship with your customers to cultivate enduring brand loyalty. READ MORE

Italy has long been a hub for art, fashion, and design. But did you know that it also holds a unique position in the world of watchmaking? READ MORE

That’s all for now. As promised, here is the answer to our trivia question!


We hope you enjoyed this issue of Get The Digital Edge. Come back next week for even more Edge! Have a good day!


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Get the Digital Edge Team (and Scott)